This multi-layered drama revolves around Raghu, the only son of Rao Bahadur Ravindranath Prabhu, an extremely wealthy man of royal blood, who is also very generous to the impoverished and needy. He is deeply respected and admired in the community.
However, Raghu has no interest in taking care of his father's vast estate and philanthropic activities. He is a violinist and a musician with deep interest in creative pursuits like music, dance and theatre.
For a performance of a historic play, Raghu is interested in finding the perfect actress for the role of Shakuntala, and his friend, Gopu suggests Kala, a beautiful and talented young woman. However, she comes from an impoverished family and needs to care for her blind grandfather.
Raghu falls madly in love with Kala and wishes to marry her. However, when his father objects to their union, stating that he should only marry a person of high status and great wealth, and threatens to disown Raghu, he willingly walks out on his inheritance. Raghu and Kala get married in a humble ceremony at the temple.
Soon, Raghu encourages Kala to give many public performances and showcase her talent around the country. As a result, Kala becomes extremely famous and the couple become wealthy and well respected. Kala becomes pregnant and has a son, Shankar. However, due to the machinations and manipulation of trusted sources Raghu becomes suspicious of Kala's character and leaves the house with their son.
Kala is heartbroken and spends her life yearning for her family. Raghu takes care of Shankar, who grows up to become a doctor. Shankar falls in love with Radha, a beautiful young woman who loves Kala like her own mother. Will Raghu's misunderstanding ever be cleared up and will he accept Kala once more? Will Dr Shankar ever get to know his mother?