Set against the backdrop of a pristine village, this family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Geeta (Tamannaah), who grows under the watchful eye of her doting father Subramaniam (Nasser). With loving care and concern, he takes care of everything for her and she is equally attached to him. She comes to Hyderabad for higher studies and stays at her uncle Gachibowli Diwakar's (Brahmanandam) house. There, her cousin Swathi (Karuna) has a group of friends and one among them is the happy and playful Siddharth, or Siddhu (Siddharth).
Siddhu is a big Casanova among girls and though he always has a smile on his face, bbut there is a sad past behind the smile, as his mother Rajyalakshmi (Ramya Krishna) got divorced from his father Prakash (Prakash Rai).
Actually, Siddhu's parents had a love marriage. Eventually, both Siddhu and Geeta fall in love and the time comes for Siddhu to ask Geeta's hand in marriage. Subramaniam says that if Siddhu can unite his parents and get them together, he would be willing to accept the proposal.
From then on start the efforts and trials of both Siddhu and Geetha to get Prakash and Rajyalakshmi together. One night, when Prakash is driving Siddhu to his mother's home, they talk about when his parents separated. His father understands his feelings and what he's trying to say, and his father answers 'that he couldn't have done anything, his mother just left him.' To this Siddhu answers, 'No, you should have gone after her. You should have never let her go.'
Even after this talk with Prakash, Geeta and Siddhu have lots of failures, but will Siddhu eventually unite his parents together, and also succeed in uniting with his own love?