This insightful social drama revolves around Relangi Rajababu, an uptight young man who actually files a case against a beautiful young woman for attempting to harass him. He is proud of not succumbing to her temptations, and wishes to remain 'pure' for the woman he marries.
After successfully getting a job as a sub inspector of police, his parents force him to get married as they feel that the money that comes to them as dowry from his bride could ease their burden while getting their daughter married.
Consequently he ends up marrying Soundarya, who is from a wealthy family, but also overweight, after his parents and family threaten to commit suicide if he doesn't accept the proposal. After the marriage however, Relangi Rajababu begins turning to other women and decides that he does not wish to be married to a plump woman after all. Will he succeed in divorcing his wife?