This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Vijay, an unemployed young man with a complicated family situation. He becomes very loyal to Rani Malini alias Arunabai (Jaya Sudha), a Kothi dancer much to his family's ire.
Following Rani Malini's instructions, he embarks upon an undercover mission to expose the secrets in the estate of Naga Raja Varma (Rao Gopala Rao), a wealthy landowner (zamindar). Gaining employment in their household, he slowly gains their trust and approval. Soon, both Naga Raja Varma's daughter Rekha (Khusboo) and Naga Raja Varma's henchman Koti's (Sreedhar Surapaneni) daughter Lata (Amala Akkineni) ffall in love with Vijay but Vijay loves Lata.
Eventually, Vijay learns that the true reason Rani Malini has sent him on the mission is because her husband Krishna Raja Varma was Naga Raja Varma's younger brother and was brutally murdered by him. To his utter shock, Vijay also comes to know that his own father, Satyam was falsely accused for the crime and also that Lata is Rani Malini's daughter. Will Vijay succeed in avenging past wrongs and set everything right once more? Will he be able to stand against the might of Naga Raja Varma and defeat him?