The story revolves around the protagonist Shrirang Deshmukh, a simpleton and docile primary school teacher who spends his whole life in Mumbai making ends meet, is cheated. How his modest nature is a disadvantage for him and how he evolves from this with the help of his ancestors spirits.
Just when the teacher is fed up of his boring life he is revived with the news of his transfer and that too at his native place "Badvebudruk" and so he plans to spend rest of his life peacefully at his ancestors house. But destiny has something else in store for him...
Covetous builder Mehta wants to acquire Badvebudruk villagers land on pretext of re-development with the help of Pakya bhai, a conman of his and the resident of Badvebudruk. Pakya bhai succeeds in seizing the villagers lands & property, except Deshmukh Wada, which belongs to Shrirang. Pakya bhai and his goons, threatens Shrirang to vacate 'the wada' in a nights time.
Helpless Shrirang decides to leave. While packing his luggage, Shrirang miraculously stumbles upon a handwritten old Book of his heroic and dashing family history of 7 generations.
Reading the brave and daring handwritten collection, his life changes and leads him to his ancestors ranging from the ape man, the king Ashoka's army chief/colonel, a saint, a Shivaji Maharaj's army man(Maavla), a 'Laavni' folk dancer,a Gandhian and a follower of United state of Maharashtra.
All of them visible only to Shrirang, help him to face the storm which leads him to different and interesting, full of unpredictable twists and turns just as in the game of KHO KHO.