This upbeat romantic comedy revolves around three friends Rami (Ramesh), Nani (S. Narayan) and Komi (Komal), who are employed in a circus company. However, when the circus company closes down, they decide to embark on a bold, new life with truth, integrity and courage as its pillars.
Naturally, a life based on such high principles gives birth to conflict, challenges and struggle. Also, the three young men fall in love with three girls and life becomes more and more complicated.
Despite their best intentions, they are forced by circumstance to kidnap Urmila (Urvashi) for a ransom of five crores from her father (Ananth Velu), as per the plan of her husband Jai Jagadeesh. They are told that the ransom money would be used for an important surgery that Urmila requires, but in actuality, her husband intends to double-cross them and escape with the money, after framing them for the theft.
At the last moment, the three young men get into a violent confrontation with Urmila's husband for possession of the suitcase containing the ransom amount. In the process, Urmila gets injured and she's taken to a hospital by a group of Christian nuns, along with the suitcase. In a desperate move, Rami, Nani and Komi disguise themselves as nuns and enter the hospital in search of the suitcase. Will they succeed in finding it? How will the future unfold for them?