This multi-layered social drama revolves around Kamallata, a pious young woman who spends her life in meditation and devotion to Lord Krishna. She does so while staying at a centre for renunciation headed by Dwarika Devo.
At this spiritual centre, Kamallata comes into contact with Gauher, an impoverished singer, who is of Islamic faith but an expert in the Ramayana. Gauher cherishes a deep feeling of love for Kamallata of which she is unaware.
Gauher's childhood friend Srikanta comes to spend time at the centre and Kamallata is given the responsibility of cooking for him. Somehow, Kamallata finds herself strongly drawn to him. Over a period of time her attraction turns into love and she openly proposes to him and discloses the events in her past that led her to retreat from worldly life. Why did she choose the path of renunciation? Will Srikanta reciprocate Kamallata's feelings and agree to marry her? How will her future unfold?