Set against the scenic backdrop of a coastal village in Karnataka, the story revolves around Shivarama, a dedicated fisherman, and his estranged son, Soorya. While Shivarama toils tirelessly to settle an old debt owed to the influential Devaraja, Soorya harbors resentment towards his father and seeks quick riches through gambling, smuggling, and defiance of community norms. Their strained relationship worsens when Soorya's actions tarnish Devaraja's reputation, leading Shivarama to side with the influential figure against his son. As tensions escalate, Soorya's recklessness culminates in a violent confrontation, prompting Shivarama's wife, Taramma, to challenge Soorya to experience the harsh realities of fishing firsthand. Despite community disapproval, Shivarama remains unwavering in his support of Soorya, even as his son ventures into the perilous sea, oblivious to the dangers that await.
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