This dreamy romantic drama revolves around the life of Amit Malhotra (Amitabh Bachchan), who recites one of his poems at a college / university where he meets fellow student Pooja (Raakhee), and they fall in love. But Pooja's parents arrange for her to marry an architect, Vijay Khanna (Shashi Kapoor).
A heartbroken Amit returns home and joins his father's business - a construction company - and later marries Anjali (Waheeda Rehman), who secretly has a daughter named Pinky (Neetu Singh), from a pre-marital relationship. Amit and Anjali have a daughter, Sweetie. In the meantime, Pinky is adopted by childless couple Dr. and Mrs. R.P. Kapoor.
Panning over to the next generation, Pooja and Vijay have a son, Vikram (Rishi Kapoor), also known as "Vicky", who falls in love with Pinky while they are at a party, and the two plan to get married. When Pinky learns of her adoption and the identity of her real mother, she tries to get close to Anjali.
While Anjali eventually acknowledges her existence and secretly showers her love on her reunited daughter, she does not reveal the relationship to her husband, fearing for her marriage. The situation is further complicated by Vicky's attempts to stay close to Pinky and Sweetie's romantic interest in Vicky.
The raging hormones and emotions of youth sets in motion a chain of events that unites old flames as friends.