This insightful family drama revolves around Suraj, a handsome young man, who has been a slacker all his adult life. He hates any kind of work, and prefers to relax and while away his time.
One day he gate-crashes a wedding ceremony and finds out that the groom is to live with his In-laws. To his delight, he finds out that the bride has an unmarried sister. And so Suraj starts to woo the unmarried sister, Geeta. Slowly Geeta falls in love with Suraj, and with the approval of her wealthy dad, Rai Bahadur Chunilal Sanghvi, both get married.
Suraj now looks forward to an easy life at his In-laws, but that is not to be so, for Geeta wants to move out. Suraj goes along with Geeta, but then starts showing his true colors, and openly demands a share in his wealthy father-in-law's estate, even if it means taking the family to court. How will Geeta and her family members respond to Suraj's demands? How will Suraj's future unfold?