Jurassic Park 3D (2013)

 ●  English ● 2 hrs 7 mins

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Huge advancements in scientific technology have enabled a mogul to create an island full of living dinosaurs. John Hammond has invited four individuals, along with his two grandchildren, to join him at Jurassic Park. But will everything go to plan? Especially when one of the parks' own workers attempts to steal the dinosaur embryos, and has to shut down critical security systems in the process. It's now a race for survival with dangerous creatures roaming all over the island.

Cast: Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Sam Neill

Crew: Steven Spielberg (Director), Dean Cundey (Director of Photography), John Williams (Music Director)

Rating: U/A (India)

Genres: Adventure, Sci-Fi

Release Dates: 05 Apr 2013 (India)

Tagline: Life finds a way.

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as Dr Ian Malcolm
as Dr Ellie Sattler
as Dr Alan Grant
as Lex Murphy
as Henry Wu
as Robert Muldoon
as Lab Technician
as Volunteer #1
as Mate
as Miner - Dug Out Mosquito
as Gerry Harding
as Mr. D.N.A.
as Worker in Raptor Pen
as Tim Murphy
Supporting Actress
as Archeologist
as Donald Gennaro
as Juanito Rostagno
as John Hammond
as Jurassic Park Tour Voice
as Ray Arnold
as Helicopter Pilot
as Dennis Nedry
as Volunteer Boy




Associate Producer
Production Supervisor
Unit Production Manager




Screenplay Writer

Camera and Electrical

Director of Photography


Music Director
Music Editor


Sound Designer


Production Designer
Set Decorator


Casting Director
Voice Casting


Assistant Editor

Makeup and Hair

Makeup Supervisor
Film Type:
Colour Info:
Sound Mix:
Datasat Digital Sound, Dolby, DTS, Sony Dynamic Digital Sound
Panavision Panaflex
Frame Rate:
24 fps
Aspect Ratio:
Converted to 3D
Archival Source:
Life finds a way.
Remember. Return. Relive in 3D. Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the adventure 65 million years in the making.
An adventure 65 million years in the making.
The most phenomenal discovery of our time... becomes the greatest adventure of all time.
Movie Connection(s):
Dubbed into: Jurassic Park 3D (Hindi)
Dubbed into: Jurassic Park 3D (Latin American Spanish)
Factual Mistake
In order for Timmy to be hurt by the electric fence, he would need some part of his body touching the ground. (It can't be an interlaced fence because there are wires connecting all the cables.) Since he was still several feet up, he is just as safe as a bird sitting on a power line. Even if it was interlaced, energizing it while he gripped it with both hands would not knock him off. He would be unable to let go. After further review, the cables are connected by cords, not wire. So it could, (but not must!) be an interlaced fence. At the time the sparks fly, Timmy is standing on one cable, he's holding another with both hands, and a third cable is about level with his knees. If the fence is interlaced, he would be okay as long as he doesn't touch the cable by his knees. (Or come within a quarter-inch of it!)

Factual Mistake
The mosquito that is encased in amber, and from which the DNA sample is extracted is male. This is evident from the "bushy" look of the antennae. Female mosquitoes have far fewer hairs on their antennae, and so the distinction is easily made. Only females drink blood, as it is needed to produce eggs. There would not have been any dinosaur DNA in the male to extract.

Factual Mistake
In the first scene where the Ford Explorers pull up and Mr. Hammond brags about the cars, the boy Tim climbs inside and if you look closely you can see there is no seat belts in the vehicle. The restraints were cut because the vehicle could not be involved in a traffic collision due to the track system. Then when the T-Rex flips the Explorer over the kids do no fall from their seats because they were wearing some sort of restraints.

Factual Mistake
When Nedry is stealing embryos, one group can be seen marked as "Stegasaurus". The correct spelling is "Stegosaurus".

Factual Mistake
Dr. Grant tests the electric fence by throwing a wooden branch at it. This would not reveal whether or not the electric fence is active because wood is an insulator and does not conduct electricity.

Factual Mistake
When Nedry enters the embryo cold storage and is picking dinosaur embryos, he picks one up for "stegasaurus" instead of "stegosaurus."

Errors in Geography
Nedry is shown seated at a beachfront cafe behind the caption "San Jose, Costa Rica". San Jose is landlocked, without any adjoining lakes.

Errors in Geography
Just after Malcolm is rescued, you see him sitting in the back of the jeep in the T-Rex area next to the other vehicle viewing the tremors in the water. In the next shot he is hurrying the others to come to the vehicle and they are in a completely different area of the park.

Audio/Video Mismatch
When Lex falls through the ceiling, she is screaming but her mouth isn't moving.

Audio/Video Mismatch
When the goat is offered to the T-Rex, you hear the bleating sound of a sheep as opposed to a goat's bleating sound.

Audio/Video Mismatch
As Hammond was hearing the shotgun fire through the telephone, we can hear that what was firing was like a pistol the bangs and the rate of fire. Shotguns usually have a slower rate of fire and sound far more louder than a pistol, and when the shot goes to the glass behind the "ride" it looked like holes from 9mm pistol rounds instead of .12 guage shotgun rounds.

Audio/Video Mismatch
When the T-Rex is attacking the car with Lex and Tim, in a shot through the roof wind-shield, you can hear them scream. However, their mouths stay closed.

Audio/Video Mismatch
When Ray Arnold uses the UNIX command prompt to access the park's security system his spoken commands do not match his typed commands. For example the first typed command is "access security" and the first spoken command is "access main program." None of his spoken commands match the commands entered in the prompt.

Character Error
In the embryo freezing chamber, Tyrannosaurus Rex is spelled with only one "n" instead of two. Also, Stegosaurus is spelled "Stegasaurus".

Character Error
As Dr. Grant lectures the cynical boy at the dig site about the velociraptor, he says that the velociraptor's claw was used to eviscerate and tear its victims apart, as opposed to going for the neck like many of today's predators. The fossilized remains of a velociraptor caught in a feud with its prey clearly show the velociraptor stabbing the prey in the neck with its claw. The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs also conducted an experiment to see if the claw could eviscerate flesh. It couldn't.

Character Error
The command prompt used by Ray Arnold while attempting to access security settings appears to have correctly started in normal user mode, as the prompt symbol is simply a ">" character. He would have to enable superuser mode, often indicated by a "#" symbol, to access important system information such as security settings. Perhaps the enable command was "please."

Character Error
In the scripted audio tour, the narrator refers to the dilophosaurus as poisonous, when in fact if the method of toxin exchange is spitting or biting, then it is actually venomous.

At the beginning, when the group is walking up to the front door of the visitor's center, the stone top of the entrance exceeds the bottom of the roof, but in the subsequent close up shot, the stone entrance is smaller, with sheets of grass/straw behind it.

When Dennis Nedry checks the shaving cream canister diversion safe he places the cream on a pie, in the next shot his hand is completely clean of cream before he wipes his hand.

When the two jeeps are approaching the Brachiosaurus, Hammond instructs his driver to hastily stop the jeep to which the driver complies, halting the vehicle. The shot then changes to the first car and we can see Hammond's car is still moving, even though we saw and heard it stop in the previous shot.

When Tim looks through the windshield with the goggles, Lex is looking in his direction. When the shot switches to the outside, she is looking elsewhere.

In the T-Rex attack scene when Grant and Lex are inches from the Rex, they are leaning right against the upside-down car (notice Grant's hat). In the next shot, they are at least a few feet from the car and in a different position.

When Dennis is taking the embryos in the shaving cream can, the can changes between red and blue and then back again when it is being covered in the mud.

When Dr. Grant starts climbing into the tree that contains the Explorer with Tim trapped inside, the tree is dripping with water from the rain. A few seconds later when he reaches the Explorer there are no drops falling down. When Dr. Grant start talking to Tim you can see water drip behind him again.

When Dennis crashes the Jeep in the Dilophasaurous section of the island, the Jeep gets stuck on a tree branch. Dennis ties a cable to a tree to free the Jeep from the tree branch. The cable is clearly seen sitting straight. When Dennis is face to face with the lizard in front of the Jeep, the cable is somehow gone. And it stays like this throughout the whole scene.

When Alan, Timmy, and Lex are running from the Gallimimus herd, some of the dinosaurs run past them, but in the next scene, shot from behind, there aren't any in front of them.

The scene in the trailer Hammond is drying the glass with a towel in one shot and in the next the towel is a complete new one evident by the change in color.

During lunch when Hammond explains to Gennaro that the "park isn't just for the super-rich?", Hammond's hands change positions between shots.

At the beginning, when we first meet Dennis Nedry at the outdoor cafés in San Jose, he is talking to Dodgson and wiping his fingers with a napkin, and his fingers change positions from one shot to the next.

When the helicopter is descending onto the island, the cars are already beside the landing pad. As the scientists get out, the cars are shown backing up to the pad.

After Dennis Nedry pulls out the cable on the front of the jeep, he slips and falls down the hill with water rushing down all around him. In the next shot, there is hardly any water around him.

When the power to the electric fence comes on, sending Timmy flying toward Dr. Grant, Timmy flies off of the fence in a perfectly vertical position with no sign of rotation. But when Dr. Grant catches him, he is cradling him horizontally.

In the very end of the movie, when they are all in the plane headed home, Lex is seen sleeping on Dr. Grant. Her head position changes several times between shots.

The goat's leg mysteriously disappears just before the T-Rex smashes into the roof of the car.

When the two grandchildren are in the jeep and the T-Rex smashes down on the plexiglass roof, a large section breaks where Tim is holding it up. When the camera switches positions, the glass is whole again.

In the scene with Ellie and Hammond, she leans forward to grab a spoonful of ice cream. The next shot is from behind Ellie, and shows her at the end of a long table, with the ice cream cartons 6-8 feet away from her and out of reach.

When Ellie enters the cafeteria where Hammond is eating ice cream the ceiling fans are working despite the power being out.

When the Velociraptor egg is first hatching, the robotic arm is holding it in place, in the next shot the arm is nowhere to be seen.

When Nedry gets out of the Jeep to open the gate, he leaves the door open, but when he comes back, it is shut.

When Dr. Grant is describing the attack patterns of Velociraptor's to the boy in Montana, his index fingers change from being right next to each other to a few inches apart between shots.

When Grant, Sattler, Lex, and Tim are running from the Visitor's Center at the end, the mud pattern on the door of the jeep is different from the pattern that is seen right before the group boards the helicopter to leave the island.

After the soup ladle falls on the floor in the kitchen, Tim moves to the other side of the stainless steel cabinet, which shows a reflection of one of the hanging spoons still moving from side to side. In the immediate subsequent shot, the spoon is still.

We see John Hammond picking pieces of egg shell off from the hatching egg, but in a subsequent shot, there are two pieces lying down that weren't there before.

Immediately after Sattler's encounter with the Velociraptor in the powerhouse, she lunges toward the door, and the door is closed. In the close-up shot after that, the door is fully open. But in the next shot, the door is fully closed again.

After the two raptors hear the soup ladle fall on the floor, Lex is shown crawling to go to the other side of the kitchen, and Tim is briefly shown following behind. But in the next shot, Tim is just then starting to crawl to the other side of the cabinet.

Dr. Grant and Lex are shown kneeling next to the Explorer, but just before the T-Rex spins the vehicle, they are crouching.

The undamaged East Dock sign on road below Nedry's truck crash points up, then left.

When Dr. Grant enters the trailer, the hatchet on his belt disappears.

When the car falls into the tree, each shot shows the lights on top of the car pointing in different directions.

The distance between the wires in the electric fence changes.

Tim stops climbing down the fence when the green light starts to flash, but in background shots later he can still be seen climbing.

As Dr. Sattler walks out to turn on the power she puts on the headphones for her walkie talkie. In the next scene they are coiled at her side again.

When chased by the Raptor and going above the ceiling, Alan Grant gets to some kind of a hatch and makes everyone pass before going in himself. Right after, he's the first to exit the duct and makes everyone pass (again) onto the T-Rex bone structure.

The position of Muldoon's shotgun butt, seconds before he is attacked by the first raptor.

When the Explorer falls out of the tree, the left front headlight gets smashed by a tree branch. As it falls further, the light is on in some shots and off in others, alternating about five times. When the T-Rex steps on the upside-down Explorer, the A-, B-, and C-pillars all buckle and the roof caves in. Later, the interior shots of Timmy and Lex trying to get out show that the pillars are all still intact and the vehicle is simply sinking into the mud.

Gennarro runs off and leaves Lex and Tim in the Explorer when the T-rex appears, and leaves the car door open. Later, we see the same vehicle through the windscreen of Grant and Malcolm's vehicle and the same door is closed. Later on still, Tim shuts the door which is what attracts the T-rex's attention.

When Nedry crashes and tries to use the winch to pull the car out, he unhooks and pulls the line twice.

Distance between Dr. Sattler and Hammond when he's eating ice cream.

When he first learns that there's a T-Rex on the island, Dr. Grant has a grass stain on his pants before he sits on the grass.

The scratch on Dr. Grant's left cheek continually shifts positions.

When Nedry adds the first embryos to the shaving cream can, the can is already half full. When he adds the second ones, the can is empty again.

The door of Alan's trailer at the dig site opens on opposite sides.

The positions of the people in the helicopter from the outside shot at the very end of the movie are different than they were during the shots inside.

As the cars are going back to the Visitor Center, they are traveling through dense jungle when they "suddenly" stop, yet in later scenes, they are in an extremely open area.

When Drs. Sattler, Malcolm, and Grant are talking in the cars, there are several shots in which rain shows on the windows of the Explorer, and several in which the windows are dry.

The viewing platform for the raptor compound is bare until Muldoon shows up. Just as he makes it up the stairs and begins talking to Grant, you can see that they are standing on something red.

The T-Rex footprint that Malcolm looks at when he is in the Jeep after being rescued was not there when the other two went to look for Grant and the kids in the other Jeep.

When they leave the compound at the end, Grant jumps in the passenger side and Hammond drives away. When they reach the helicopters, Grant gets out of the driver's side and Hammond, Sattler, and the kids are shown walking toward the Jeep from behind it as if they rode in another one.

After falling to the ground, Muldoon reaches to save the gate keeper twice.

When the T-Rex throws the goat's leg onto the car, you can see that it is a hind leg, but when you see the T-Rex swallowing the rest of the goat, you see both back legs disappear into its mouth.

When Dr. Grant feeds the brachiosaurus, during the long shots, he holds the branch with both hands. During the close-ups of Lex, his left hand is loose by his side.

When Grant approaches his trailer at the dig site, the hinge is on the right. When he steps inside, it is on the left.

The concrete wall should be right beside the tree in which the Explorer landed. However when Grant walks up to the tree to help Tim out, the wall is nowhere in sight.

When Dr. Grant fires the shotgun in the control room at the intruding dinosaurs, the bullet holes in the glass are incorrect. They are clearly not from a shotgun round and are too small to be slugs.

When Ellie, Alan, and the rest of the people are digging up the raptor skeleton, the camera shows a black bone during a close up shot, but when the camera zooms out to a full body shot of the skeleton, there is no black bone.

In the movie theater, when Hammond clicks his remote to lock the restraints in place, only the bars on the front row moves. In the next shot, all three rows are locked down.

When the T-Rex starts to spin the overturned vehicle, the taillights and brush guards are intact, but after the spin they are damaged even though they shouldn't be yet.

When Nedry realizes that he has lost control of the Jeep, he's shown turning the steering wheel hard to the right, but the next shot shows the skidding front/left wheel turned to the left.

When Sattler and Muldoon step out of the lodge Ellie can be seen putting on headphones for her radio. Then when Muldoon is looking at the Raptor footprints she does not have them on.

When the crew first steps onto the platform to look down at the velociraptors, there is an area rug where they are to stand. Moments later, the rug has vanished.

As the Ford Explorers first arrive at the visitor center, (in a long shot) you see Lex walk to the front Explorer. Then, in a close-up (through the windows of the front Explorer), you see her walk up to it again.

The bag of money Nedry is holding disappears between shots when Dodgson shows him the canister.

During the introduction ride, where it is shown and explained how the dinos are made, you hear the recorded voice saying the genetically engineered dino DNA is put into unfertilized ostrich eggs - but moments later we see a baby velociraptor hatching from what appears to be an actual dinosaur egg.

During the helicopter ride Hammond has his back obviously towards the front and is sitting on the left side. Malcolm is across from him with Gennaro is next to Malcolm. When they approach the island he could not possibly see it. When the helicopter lands Hammond is on the right side with Gennaro across from him.

Before Tim and Lex are attacked by the T-Rex the seat belt holder next to the door is in place where it should be. In the next shot the holder is not there, just a hole in the plastic interior of the car.

Tim's left ear is bloody from the electrocution he suffered (probably a blown eardrum), and it's visible in the buffet scene, but when they are evading the velociraptors his ear is devoid of blood, and his hair is pretty well styled (as opposed to being frizzy from the frying).