This revealing coming-of-age drama revolves around a group of close friends who go to school together. Despite being from varied economic strata of society, they share all their struggles and successes.
Amongst the group, Mahesh and Pooja become very close. Mahesh is from an impoverished and uneducated family background. His father makes a living by selling fish in the market. In stark contrast, Pooja is from a well-to-do family and her father is a wealthy businessman. Mahesh struggles to control his feelings of sexual attraction for Pooja, whereas she is deeply in love with him.
Along with them, the four others in their group also struggle with their own challenges. Over a period of time, they become very unhappy with the insensitive, unnecessarily suspicious and controlling treatment they receive from their parents. Boldly, they decide to run away from home, travel to a new place and struggle to live their lives on their own terms. Will they succeed in fulfilling their dreams and ambitions? Will the parents recognise the error of their ways and find a way to return into their children's lives? How will the relationship between Mahesh and Pooja evolve?