Evocative and eloquent, this family-oriented relationship drama revolves around Julieta, who lives in Madrid and is about to move to Portugal with her boyfriend Lorenzo. In a chance encounter on the street with her daughter Antía's childhood friend Beatriz, she learns that Antía, from whom she has long been estranged, is living in Switzerland and has three children.
Overcome by her desire to reestablish contact with Antía, she abandons plans to leave Spain and instead leases an apartment elsewhere in the building in Madrid where she raised Antía, knowing that address is Antía's only means of contacting her.
Anticipating word from Antía, and aware that she owes her daughter an explanation of the events that led to their separation, Julieta fills a journal with an account of her life as mother, spouse, and daughter. She begins with the story of meeting Xoan, a fisherman and Antía's father. She narrates the story of how they got together, how Antia was born, conflict with Xoan due to his illicit affairs and finally Xoan's death in a storm.
As Antia holds Julieta responsible for her father's death, she runs away from her, causing her mother great agony and grief. At a close acquaintance's funeral, Julieta meets Lorenzo and the two embark on a happy relationship, which distracts Julieta from her loss. She tells him nothing of Antía and he respects that she has some secrets in her life.
Lorenzo has gone to Portugal and Julieta's mental state is deteriorating as she visits places she used to go with her daughter. Beatriz encounters her, and reveals she and Antía had a lesbian relationship. After attending the spiritual retreat, Antía told Beatriz she was ashamed of it, and cut her out of her life just as she had Julieta.
Later Julieta is hit by a car and collapses in the street but is seen by a newly-returned Lorenzo. He visits her flat where he finds a letter from Antía, which he brings to Julieta - along with her memoir, apparently unread. Antía speaks of the death of her son, which has deeply affected her and allowed her to understand how Julieta must feel at their separation. She has also included a return address. Lorenzo and Julieta drive to Switzerland and Julieta resolves not to demand an explanation, simply wishing to be with her daughter.