Authentic and artistic, this soulful romantic drama revolves around Jugni also known as Vibhavari or Vibs, a talented music director, who is working on her first big break in the Hindi film industry. When work and home affairs, with her live-in boyfriend Sid (Samir Sharma) hit a high tide, Vibs hits the road with a glint of hope; to find a fresh new voice for her next song.
The journey takes her to a village in Punjab in search of Bibi Saroop, whose voice holds the promise that Vibs as travel long and far to tap into. However, in a fateful twist, she falls in love with Mastana, Bibi's son, who is a proficient singer himself. How will Vibs' relationship with Mastana evolve? Can she balance her professional and personal life? Will her dream of becoming a successful music director become a reality? How will her choices impact her life?