Fresh and funny, this satirical tale revolves around Jimmy Vestvood, a bumbling yet lovable Iranian immigrant who wins the Green Card lottery and moves to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of becoming an American hero. His primary aspiration is to be a fearless and stylish police officer, just like his childhood idol, Steve McQueen in the movie 'Bullitt', but soon discovers that the best job he can get is as a security guard at a Persian grocery store.
Through a series of comically fateful events, Jimmy's naiveté is exploited when a corrupt arms dealer hires him as a private investigator. Framed as a terrorist by the fear-mongering Kox News, Jimmy finds himself unwittingly embroiled in a conspiracy to start World War III.
With the help of his seventh cousin, Jimmy must save the day and avert the imminent war while keeping his overprotective mother in the dark. Will he succeed in his dangerous mission?