When Rahul, an aspiring filmmaker, is assigned a task by his producer to write an exciting script for an upcoming underworld crime thriller, that is spiced with tremendous violence, he decides to take inspiration from a real-life gangster.
Landing up in a small town, he embarks on his mission to discreetly learn the life story of Arumuga, a dreaded don, so that he can write a powerful script, that would become a blockbuster success and lead him to a life of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, he fails miserably in his attempts to stalk Arumuga or learn any valuable details about his life and lifestyle.
Arumuga his ruthless and he is surrounded by quirky, yet scary henchmen, who seem to have a tremendous radar for trouble. Rahul feels lost, until he finally gets the chance to gain an insight into Arumuga's life, but disaster strikes as he gets caught in the mêlée following the discovery of a mole within Arumuga's gang. What will the future hold in store for Rahul?