Youthful and insightful, this contemporary romantic drama revolves around Rahul (Abhijeeth Poondla) and Mythili (Reshma Rathore) fall in love and get married with their families' blessing.
At first, both of them wish to share their ideas about what causes conflict and heartache in marriage and discuss ways to ensure that their relationship remains harmonious and happy. However, over a period of time small fissures develop due to jealousy, hurt, anger, familial and social pressures, but most of all due to their combative egos.
Their differences are blown out of proportion to the extent that they file for divorce. Will Rahul and Mythili accept guidance from elders and find a way to resolve their issues or will they go their separate ways? Will their love be strong enough to keep them together against all odds or will their ego battles break them apart forever?