This multi-layered action drama revolves around Abhiram (Venkatesh), a fun-loving young man, who leads a carefree and happy life in London. He wins a contest along with a group of others, and gets the opportunity to tour Europe. During the trip, he befriends Uma (Soundarya), one of the contest winners and spends a lot of quality time with her.
Uma falls in love with Abhiram, but is too shy to express her emotion to him, so she leaves a message on his answering machine, but since Abhiram doesn't listen to the message at all, Uma returns to India, heartbroken by the assumption that Abhiram does not love her.
By the time Abhiram listens to the message and contacts Uma, her father commits to getting her married to Jasjit, a criminal. On a parallel note, Jasjit and his criminal network are in search of 'Mahadeva Naidu', and Abhiram's photograph shows a remarkable resemblance between the two, to the extent that they decide to eliminate Abhiram just for safety's sake.
When Abhiram comes to know that Uma is being forced to marry against her will, he decides to help her escape the situation. Reaching her hometown, he succeeds in meeting her, but they get surrounded by goons.
On the run, they are saved by Jhansi, who takes them to a hideout and reveals a shocking truth. The reason Abhiram resembles Mahadeva Naidu is that he is his biological son. Mahadeva Naidu is a saviour of the impoverished and downtrodden. and was killed for liberating 'low-caste' communities from exploitation. Now it is the responsibility of Abhiram, whose real name is Rudrama Naidu to take on his father's mantle and destroy their enemies. Will he succeed in his heroic mission?