This fast-paced crime drama revolves around Teja, a fearless young man who was orphaned at a young age and through sheer hard work has gained admission into a reputed Law College. He falls in love with one of his classmates and his life looks rosy.
On one occasion, Teja notices an older man secretly trying to take photographs of him and follows him to a village. When he questions the man, he finds out that the man is Seetharamudu, his birth father who had decided to let him go so that he may have a better future. Teja finds out that Seetharamudu and many in his village are forced to become burglars by powerful forces in the village. When Teja tries to stop another of his villagers from being arrested, he is framed for the crime and Seetharamudu desperately tries to free Teja from the clutches of the villains and send him back to the city. Will Teja go back to the city and restart his old life, or will he return to the village and fight to protect his villagers from tyranny and injustice?