The story of "JNU" revolves around Sourabh Sharma, a small-town boy who becomes a student at JNU. Discontent with the leftist activities on campus, Sourabh courageously speaks out against them. He finds guidance in Akhilesh Pathak (Baba), who supports him in his fight against leftist dominance. Along the way, Sourabh finds love and support from Richa. Challenging the untouched left-wing gang, Sourabh and the right-wing movement disrupt the status quo, causing unrest among the leftists. He makes history by winning a pivotal election and becomes a counselor, advocating for students' interests and opposing anti-national agendas. With Baba's support, Sourabh continues to challenge leftist protests and activities like love jihad. In 2014, he defeats the dominant left-wing party to become joint secretary, breaking their hold on power. In 2019, when the government announces a fee hike opposed by the leftists, clashes erupt, with ABVP students getting involved. Subsequently, ABVP students retaliate against the leftists, supported by local authorities, marking a significant shift in power dynamics at JNU.