Youthful and suspenseful, this thrilling tale revolves around Krishna (Nikhil Gowda) or SS Krishna, a capable young man who joins SS Medical College. Even as a new student, he displays extraordinary courage and in going against the views of Arya, the student leader and topper. He also audaciously places a challenge before Arya, betting that he would get his sister Priya (Deepti Sati) and get her to fall in love with him. Will Krishna succeed in his mission?
Meanwhile, a computer genius hacks into a news channel and proclaims that a live murder will be shown on the channel. He informs a lawyer that he would be killed, broadcasts the entire event through a drone camera and escapes after defeating the entire security unit. A high-level police investigation ensues and it is determined that Jaguar, a masked vigilante is responsible for the crime. Can the true identity of Jaguar be determined?