Terrifying and thrilling, this humorous horror story revolves around Satya (Sibiraj), a sub-inspector of police, who is posted at a remote village..
When he falls in love with the daughter of the village leader, Satya is assigned an offbeat challenge; he is asked to investigate a bungalow that is said to be haunted. In order to disprove the rumours, Satya must leave alone in the isolated bungalow, that has been vacant since British times, for a period of time.
The villagers believe that the bungalow is haunted by Jackson (Zachary Coffin), a powerful ghost. Can Satya prove otherwise or will he find his own life threatened by paranormal forces? What will the future hold in store for Satya? Will he succeed in convincing the villagers that he is the most suitable groom for the leader's daughter?