Fast-paced and fiery, this crime thriller revolves around Jack Reacher, whose heroic efforts helped in successfully dismantling a human trafficking ring. After completing his mission, the former military investigator turned vigilante drifter returns to his old military headquarters to meet Major Susan Turner, whom he has been working with during his travels and his closest friend – only to learn from Colonel Sam Morgan that Susan has been accused of espionage and detained.
Susan's attorney, Colonel Bob Moorcroft, reveals that there is evidence that she is involved in the murders of two soldiers in Afghanistan, but Reacher believes she is being framed. Disaster strikes when the attorney is murdered by an unknown assassin, and Reacher is framed for his murder, arrested and transported to prison. Reacher saves Susan from more killers and helps her escape. They must now unravel the conspiracy, identify the real culprits and bring them to justice. How will their dangerous investigation unfold? Can they successfully complete their mission against all odds?