Set against a rural backdrop, this family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Ramu, a bright youngster who grows up in an impoverished family belonging to a 'backward' caste. Despite his challenges, Ramu works hard on his academics and excels as a student. Consequently, he gets admission into a well reputed college and becomes the star player of the college basketball team.
Over a period of time, he develops a close bond with his classmate Janaki and their friendship soon blossoms into love. However, what they don't realise is that back in their native village, they belong to very different strata of society. Janaki's family is wealthy and she is the daughter of a powerful landlord who is from an 'upper' caste.
As a consequence, Janaki's father violently opposes the relationship and the young lovers are faced with tremendous obstacles. Can Ramu find a way to gain her family's approval and break caste barriers? Will the small village community accept their love?