Witty and wise, this offbeat relationship drama revolves around Dr. Aakarsh, a talented young doctor who dutifully serves his community at a 'free clinic' constructed by his grandfather, that provides good quality treatment for the impoverished villagers free of cost.
In a quirk of fate, he ends up in an accidental collision with Acchari (Mayuri Kyatari), a beautiful young woman. When she gets injured, he brings her with him to the hospital. Gradually, they develop a special bond and fall in love with each other. Acchari is deeply impressed by Dr. Aakarsh's sincerity to duty, simplicity and his caring nature.
Just when Acchari begins dreaming of a heavenly life with the doctor, everything comes crashing down as they are confronted by Aditi (Kavya Shetty), who claims to be Mrs Aakarsh, the doctor's wife. As a shocked and shattered Acchari looks to her boyfriend for answers, he confesses his past.
He was forced by circumstances to marry Aditi, a controlling and compulsive individual, who is unable to get close to him or be intimate with him in any way, due to her obsessive-compulsive disorder. Aakarsh is spurned by the rejection and slowly they separate from each other.
After hearing the tragic tale, Acchari wishes to reunite with Aakarsh, but her mother vehemently opposes the relationship as she was also cheated and rejected by Acchari's father. Unable to rebel against her mother, Acchari leaves to fulfill her professional goals. Will Dr. Aakarsh let her go and reunite with his wife? How will this love triangle unravel?