This dystopian drama revolves around two teenage sisters, Nell and Eva, who live in a remotely located home with their father in a forest. Suddenly, there is a massive, continent-wide power outage that appears to be part of a region-wide technological collapse and they are left stranded for days. Their father somehow manages to get the car working and they stock up on supplies, but soon after he passes away in an accident.
Two months pass and the girls are low on food. As the girls lead a lonely existence, Nell researches plants for food and medicine and begins foraging from the forest around. At this point, Eva is attacked by a man who assaults and rapes her, before stealing most of the remaining fuel and the car.
Devastated, the girls board up the house and Eva stays within doors. Eva throws up, and soon realizes she is pregnant. To Nell's suprise, Eva has decided to keep it, saying that she doesn't want to lose any more. During a bad storm, several beams of the roof break and Eva goes into labour. The sisters flee for a hollowed out tree stump that once served as their playhouse, where Eva gives birth to a baby boy.
Returning to their ruined home, Eva decides to burn down the house so that anyone passing will think that they died in a fire. Before setting the house ablaze, they collect a few precious items and keepsakes, and begin to walk into the darkened forest.