This humorous relationship drama revolves around Gopal (Prabhu Deva), an aspiring musician, who teams up with Anjali (Arti), a beautiful runaway, to pose as husband and wife to get a house on rent.
Sukumar (Srikanth), a electronic shop owner mistakes Anjali to be a millionaire's daughter and offers her job. Elsewhere, there is also Sundara Murthy (Praksh Raj), an industrialist who comes to the city because of his nagging wife. As it happens, her name is also Anjali (Urvashi).
With both Sukumar and Gopal in love with Anjali and Sundara Murthy's wife suspecting him to be in love with the other Anjali too, there is confusion galore. To add to the mess, Sundara Murthy thinks that his wife is having it with Sukumar. How will this comedy of errors unfold? Will Anjali choose Gopal or Sukumar?