Frightening and funny, this offbeat drama revolves around Naresh, a sincere young man who owns and manages a band troupe. He falls in love with Indumathi, a kind-hearted woman who runs an orphanage. As Naresh begins to try and win Indumathi's heart, he learns that one of the children under Indumathi's care is suffering from a serious heart condition and needs surgery requiring 3 lakhs rupees.
In a parallel story, Gopalakrishnan purchases a farmhouse in the suburbs to perform his daughter's wedding ceremony. After the registration, he and his family learn to their shock that the house is haunted. In order to save his investment, Krishna tries to contact a sorcerer, but erroneously ends up calling Naresh.
Naresh grabs the opportunity with both hands. He poses as a sorcerer and successfully convinces people that he has the power to evict unwanted spirits from houses. In the process, he earns quite a bit of quick cash. However, when he arrives at Krishna's property, it turns out that the restless spirit haunting the farmhouse is that of Swapna, Naresh's cousin. After the death of her parents during childhood, Swapna grew up with Naresh and they loved each other a great deal. Just ahead of their marriage, Swapna was kidnapped, raped, murdered and buried in the garden of the farmhouse.
Naresh is shattered by this truth, but even more shocked to hear Swapna's condition. She says that she would only leave the farmhouse if Naresh would agree to marry her. Will Naresh be forced to marry a ghost? How will he escape his predicament and return to Indumathi?