This youthful romantic drama revolves around Gara (Maine Mendoza), a Filipino who was forced by familial circumstances to leave the Philippines. She works very hard in Italy and believes in destiny and true love. On the other hand, Andrew (Alden Richards) is a medical student, who is brokenhearted and dissatisfied with life.
One day in a park, Gara sees Andrew and recognises his depression. In that moment, Andrew's bag is snatched by a thief. Gara pursues the thief and returns with the bag, but Andrew is gone. She peruses Andrew's smartphone to find contacts and inform them about the whereabouts of Andrew's belongings.
Aside from being a pet sitter, Gara also works as a household helper for Terry (Irma Adlawan) who turns out to be Andrew's stepmother. Gara and Andrew have not met personally and Andrew sees Gara in their living room while browsing his smartphone. Andrew accuses Gara of being in connivance with the thief. After arguing, they accidentally fall and hug in the couch. Terry comes into the scene and ends their feud. Gara eventually returns Andrew's bag and their romantic relationship starts.
Andrew opens up to Gara about his previous relationship with Isay, the seemingly meaningless separation and its resultant depression. Gara learns the true identity of Andrew's ex-girlfriend and understands that she broke up with Andrew because she has leukaemia. Gara arranges a reunion between Andrew and Isay so that they can finally meet and talk.
Meanwhile, Gara decides to return in the Philippines. In their meeting, Isay tells Andrew that he is happier with Gara and he must go after her. Gara does not make it in the airport due to an accident. In the hospital, Andrew prays that he would not lose Gara because he loves her so much. Will Andrew and Gara express their love for each other and begin their lives together?