Intense and insightful, this period romance revolves around two young lovers Karuppu (Yuvan) and Ilami (Anu Krishna). They belong to adjacent villages, which are friendly enough on the surface, but Karuppu’s village still harbours some resentment towards the other for taking away their deity 200 years earlier.
With the annual religious festival that gives thanks to God and celebrates the deity's benevolence upon the people in the offing, Sadai Puli (Akhil), a ruthless and ambitious young man from Karuppu’s place, decides to stir this discontent for his personal gain.
As a consequence, Ilami’s father Verayyan (Ravi Mariya) agrees to return the deity if the neighbouring villagers manage to defeat his bull in Vadam Jallikattu, and also offers to marry off his daughter to the one who conquers the bull. Can Karuppu win the competition, settle the feud between the villages and marry the girl of his dreams?