Suspenseful and scintillating, this offbeat thriller follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Sanjeev (Ajay), a socially responsible orphan, who joins a team of youngsters working to educate young couples about the side effects of early marriage and childbirth.
At a critical juncture however, Sanjeev is shocked that many of the other members of the group are actually using the trust earned by the organisation to get close to innocent girls and raping them. When his ex-friends realise that Sanjeev knows their dark secret, they attack him and his girlfriend. In the ensuing fight, Sanjeev is severely injured and his girlfriend is killed. Later, after his physical injuries heal, he is diagnosed as having anti-retrograde amnesia, which amounts to a complete loss of his memory.
Feeling alone and lost, he has no sense of identity. At this point, a young woman enters his life, chases after him and eventually trains him to exact revenge on the people responsible for his girlfriend's death. What is the true identity of his saviour? What is the connection with Sanjeev? Will he succeed in avenging his girlfriend's death with the help of the enigmatic new woman in his life?