Evocative and provocative, this contemporary romantic drama revolves around a young couple with serious ambitions, who must reassess their priorities in life when they get into a serious relationship.
Niño (Gerald Anderson) is a talented sales agent, whose main goal in life is to accumulate wealth and gain financial stability is earliest possible. His personal life always takes a backseat to his ambition, until he falls in love.
Anj (Bea Alonzo) is a self-taught cook who has risen in the world through sheer hard work and determination. She dreams of working as a top chef in a star-rated restaurant at the earliest.
When Niño and Anj find the attraction between them too strong to ignore, they succumb to love's demands, but will either of them be willing to compromise their professional ambitions for the sake of their relationship? Can they find a balance between their love life and career goals or will they go their separate ways?