Fast-paced and funny, this romantic drama revolves around Krish (Om), a savvy man who wishes to lead a luxurious life without any hard work. In the process, Krish comes up with convoluted plots that get him into trouble.
Krish first attempts to woo Meera (Riya), who has just got a visa to America, so that he can tag along with her. After several lies, he succeeds in drawing her into his web of deception and Meera falls in love with him. When a character Rai (Nusraat) that Krish had created to win Meera's sympathy enters their lives, chaos unfolds.
Krish tries to escape from the situation, but Meera is unwilling to let go. Suddenly, they are at the into the centre of a complex political game with two Members of Parliament warring over the railway ministry. Can Krish and Meera find way to escape unscathed from the danger they unwittingly find themselves in? Will their love story have a happy ending?