Funny and fantastic, this adventurous thriller follows the fluctuating fortunes of eleven-year-old Felix, a smart youngster who has been struggling to adjust with life in the USA, after his mother relocated to the country for work.
On his first day at his new school, Felix tries to keep his head down, concentrate on his studies, and avoid the universally disliked principal, Dr. Schmitt-Gössenwein. He succeeds in doing so until a gang of bullies corners him and dares him to break into a locked room that is supposedly inhabited by the ghost of the school's founder. Caught in the act by Dr. Schmitt-Gössenwein, Felix tries to escape, with fantastic consequences: he accidentally shrinks the principal down to a height of only 15 centimetres!
Placing the pint-size principal in his backpack for safekeeping, Felix tries to figure out how to return her to her original size, but he soon has another problem on his hands when he overhears plans to close the school. With his principal still no bigger than a pencil, it's up to Felix to take charge and save his new school. Can he succeed in doing so?