Witty and wise, this family-oriented drama revolves around Madhav (Vinay Forrt) and Jerry (Sanju Sivram), two capable and charismatic young man who work as Radio Jockeys (RJs) hosting Hello Namaste, a popular radio show. While they work together, they're also good friends who share a great rapport between them.
At a critical juncture in his life, Jerry is invited to his ex-girlfriend Anna's wedding who is on the verge of marrying Pappu Joseph Thadikkaran. Jerry is joined by Madhav and Abu (Soubin Shahir) who accompany him for moral support. All three of them decide that the bridegroom is not deserving of such a wonderful woman and Jerry impulsively proposes to Anna, who agrees to elope with him.
When the couple get married, they move in to a grand villa in an exclusive community of many such villa-style houses. Much to their surprise, it turns out that Madhav and his family become their neighbours. However, instead of becoming closer than ever before, Madhav and Jerry find their friendship tested to the hilt due to issues, especially due to a major conflict that develops over a jackfruit tree that grows in between their villas. Will they find a way to resolve their conflicts or will their friendship fade away?