Funny and frightening, this horror story revolves around Amuthan (Vaibhav), a petty criminal who leads a happy and carefree life with his girlfriend Kavitha (Aishwarya Rajesh). Her brother (VTV Ganesh) who runs a 'Saavu Kuthu troupe' gives the green signal to their love as Amuthan easily passes the tests.
Just when everything seems to be going well for the couple, trouble sparks when Amuthan steals a mobile phone during the chaos of a road accident. It turns out that the mobile phone serves as a home for an evil spirit that begins to communicate and threaten Amuthan. He learns that the wrathful spirit is of Sridevi (Oviya) who had died in the accident. Can Amuthan, Kavitha and her brother find way to escape from the clutches of Sridevi before it's too late for all of them?