Insightful and introspective, this multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Hedi (Majd Mastoura), a young Tunisian man going through an existential crisis. All his life, Hedi has unquestioningly given into his mother Baya controlling and over-protective behaviour. Also, he has blindly followed social norms and adhered strictly to acceptable behaviour.
Despite having a decent job as a salesman in a country with an increasingly volatile economy, Hedi is indifferent to his job and what's more, he is also apathetic to his mother's idea of arranging his wedding to Khedija, a woman he feels nothing for.
However, a week prior to the actual wedding Hedi meets Rim with whom he starts a passionate affair. Unlike Khedija who comes from a conservative family, Rim is a well travelled independent women with an outgoing character. Rim works as an itinerant dancer and event coordinator for tourists at hotels. Hedi is left with a hard decision to make, settle down for a mediocre marriage or follow his globetrotting sweetheart. What will Hedi decide to do with his life?