Dark and dangerous, this destructive family drama revolves around a young couple, who are happily married. However, when his wife becomes pregnant, the husband becomes lascivious and begins to have extramarital affairs much to the hurt and fury of his wife.
The couple's marriage turns turbulent and their daughter is exposed to an unhealthy environment. When she is old enough, she is sent away to boarding school so that she may be kept far away from her father's lifestyle. In a quirk of fate, the husband has an accident and becomes paralysed giving the wife and opportunity to exact revenge upon him and have extramarital affairs of her own. After facing her mistreatment, the husband slowly fades away and dies a sad death.
When their daughter grows up, she proudly brings her boyfriend whom to introduce him to her mother, only to be shocked that the man happens to be her mother's ex-lover. What will the future hold in store for mother and daughter?