Set in the year 1951, this complex social drama revolves around Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin) the head of physical production at Capitol Pictures. His real job is to be a 'fixer' whose work is all about manipulating information and staying connected with paparazzi in order to keep the scandalous behavior of its stars out of the press.
He often has to fend off inquiries from Thora and Thessaly Thacker (Tilda Swinton), twin sisters and rival gossip columnists. The Lockheed Corporation has been courting him with an offer of a high-level executive position, but he is unsure about taking it.
When the protagonist of the studio's next big production is abducted and held for ransom, Mannix has his work cut out for him. Can he find a way to safeguard the studio from scandal? What new challenges will Mannix face and will he succeed in keeping the truth out of the public-eye?