Dangerous and diabolical, this offbeat crime drama revolves around Hari (Siddu) and Giri (Naresh), diametrically different men who live in a slum in Guntur. They work as low-end salesmen in a medical shop managed by a greedy man. Hari is a 25-year-old Casanova who has an affair with a married woman, only to switch and fall in love with the woman's sister Suvarna. On the other hand, Giri is a defeated man in his forties, who leads a difficult life as he has been abandoned by his wife and forced to care for his two children all alone.
In the day they pretend to be hard-working employees, but at night they assume the avatar of burglars whose modus operandi is that they steal small sums of money and insignificant items so that nobody recognises them or handsome over to the police.
Due to a complex sequence of events they end up stealing a very large sum and escape to Goa. As the cash has been stolen from a powerful man both the police department and the mafia try to hunt them down. Can they escape punishment for long? What will the future hold in store for them?