Evocative and provocative, this socially relevant drama revolves around Saradamba (Jayalalitha), who is the beautiful wife of a landlord Narayana Swamy (Tanikella Bharani) in a village. She is a kind woman who is well known for her charitable work. Kanakayya (Tallavajjula Mehaneesh) is a bright student from a poor family and he gets a free lunch (vaaraalabbai) at Saradamba's house. Saradamba is very fond of Kanakayya.
One fine day, Kanakayya falls ill. The medicine offered by the regular doctor is of no use. Kanakayya's parents call in Kalimata's devotee and medicine practitioner Gopayya (Tallavajjula Sundaram) from the neighboring village for his diagnosis.
After the check-up, Gopayya declares that Kanakayya is suffering from Doshagunam. According to him, Doshagunam is caused when a boy has sexual intercourse with a middle-aged woman. Gopayya advices Kanakayya's parents that the only panacea for Doshagunam is a concoction prepared with the blood extracted from the thigh of woman who had sex with Kanakayya. That night Kanakayya utters the name of Saradamba repeatedly in the sleep and it turns the needle of suspicion towards Saradamba.
Did Saradamba seduce Kanakayya? Would she give blood for Kanakayya's medicine? Is Doshagunam really a scientifically proven ailment or a myth?