This contemporary romantic drama revolves around Vamsi, a clever young man who leads a happy life with his best friends Babloo and Pavan. As they live in the same neighbourhood and go to the same school, their parents are also good friends. Like most parents, they worry about their irresponsible and playful children, and constantly urge them to become more mature.
Vamsi falls in love with Suvarna and soon the young couple are faced with the realisation that their parents would never approve of their relationship. They decide to make a bold move by having sex with each other, forcing their parents to agree to their marriage.
Their parents catch the young lovers before they commit the act. However, they agree to the marriage between Vamsi and Suvarna under the condition that they would remain separate after the wedding and prove their abilities before uniting. Will Vamsi, Babloo and Pavan succeed in their pursuit of financial independence? Will they finally grow up and make their parents proud?