Suspenseful and scintillating, this romantic thriller revolves around Ruhi and Kabir, who are a married couple celebrating their wedding anniversary. Just then, Kabir is shot by four masked gangsters. While the shocked Ruhi waits to see him in the hospital, scenes flash back into how Guru the gangster became Kabir, Ruhi's husband.
As a youngster, Kabir is adopted by Jamaal, a mafia kingpin. He is named Guru and soon becomes mighty powerful under the guidance of Jamaal. During a violent exchange with enemies, Guru falls in love with Ruhi, who is caught in the crossfire and injured. He confesses to her about his profession, but Ruhi accepts his proposal for marriage anyway. Can Guru lead the life of Kabir, a simple law-abiding citizen or will his past come back to haunt him? What is Ruhi's true identity and are her intentions towards Guru honest? What will the future hold in store for the married couple?