This satirical contemporary comedy follows four lower middle-class boys in Delhi who embark upon a harebrained scheme to raise money, but eventually, find out that there are no short cuts in life.
Hunny and Choocha, are buddies whose only aspiration is to get into the coolest college in town. Zafar, is a struggling musician and Lali, is the hapless son of a halwai who watches his girl, who already attends the cool college, get enamored by big cars and slick guys.
This offbeat and contemporary campus tale is primarily about college; three of the most important years of your life. Three years of studies (at times) and sheer indulgence. Indulgence in all the little pleasures that a carefree life has to offer. But it isn't always about ragging, fuchcha parties, college fests, raves and churning out ways to whack some extra pocket money from your parents. Its sometimes hard, ugly and complicated. More so, when you really need to get admission in the coolest college in town and you know you don't deserve it. And to top that, you get yourself involved in the most bizarre situations that could crack you into pieces before you could crack it.
Fukrey is one such crazy story of four restless and hapless souls, running after their individual desires, brought together by one dream, which turns their not so simple life upside down. From breaking school walls, to cross dressing dancers at the Ram Lila; from a Jugaad Baaz college watchman to leaking examination papers; from a female pimp, who runs her drug cartel through Nigerian henchmen to visionary dreams.
Can the four Fukrey, the four nobodies, twist their fate and dreams into reality or will they forever be lost in the obscurity that they come from?