Witty and wise, this insightful family drama revolves around Mohan, a straightforward and sincere man who moves from Banaras to Mumbai with many dreams. However, reality turns out to be a shocking lesson for him and his innocence is battered on all fronts. He tries his best to adapt to the lack of privacy and cramped conditions that he is forced to face, but is appalled at the conditions in the chawl he has to share with his brothers.
After several painfully humiliating attempts to learn more about sex and become experienced in such matters, Mohan finally meets the love of his life and gets married. However, the lack of privacy petrifies him to the extent that his unable to consummate his marriage. His wife is shattered and begins thinking of ways to leave him. His family begin treating him with disdain and disrespect. Mohan is completely dejected, but he knows that he needs to make some important decisions. What will he decide and how will his future be impacted by his decisions?