Inspiring and invigorating, this extraordinary sports drama explores the phenomenal life of Ali, a debt collector, who uses extortion tactics to collect money for the local gangster, along with Maqsood his helper and friend.
On one fateful day, Maqsood and Ali are forced to spend several hours at a golf course, as they await the extortion money from a wealthy man. With his patience wearing thin, Ali confronts the man who tells him to wait while he finishes the hole.
Ali casually claims the hole to be easy, prompting the man to challenge him to try out for himself. To everyone's shock and surprise, Ali putts the ball in just one ace for he has a gifted natural swing, this not only surprises the man but his caddy as well who knows him. What follows is an inspirational story of a simple extortion debt collector who transforms into a golfing sensation, and along the way of him becoming a champion; Ali beats all odds and meets his dream girl, Megha as well.