Evocative and provocative, this multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Rodrigo, a music composer and piano-tuner who is going through tough times. At this critical juncture in his life, when his sense of self-confidence is at a low, he meets Susana, a beautiful woman who is engaged to be married to someone else and finds himself deeply attracted to her.
In a shocking turn of events, they are both nearly killed when a bomb explodes in the city of Medellín, forcing them to look deeply into their attraction. They surrender to it and fall into each other's arms. Cocooned in her apartment above the vibrant city, Susana opens up to him every night and tells him a story of each of the different men from her past. Her stories inspire him to compose again, but his obsession makes him jealous and paranoid. When Susana finally leaves her fiancée to be with Rodrigo, he becomes obsessed with her fidelity. Can he overcome his insecurities and jealousy to embark upon a stable and happy relationship with her?