Soulful and insightful, this inspiring saga revolves around Sayaka Kudo (Kasumi Arimura), a rebellious teenager. She is a terrible student in high school and acts out by wearing miniskirts and dying her hair blonde. As it turns out, even though she goes to school with other students are age, her actual academic grade level is on par with fourth grade elementary school for events.
Shocked and disappointed with her attitude, she is severely reprimanded by everyone and sent to a private institution in the summer to catch up on her studies. It is in this place that she meets Teacher Tsubota, who becomes her guide and mentor.
Teacher Tsubota is the only adult apart from her mother to praise and encourage her. Consequently, Sayaka's confidence in her own abilities grow phenomenally. She finds herself becoming inspired to do better and change her ways.
In a short span of time, Sayaka transforms into a self-confident and motivated individual, who not only excels in her studies but eventually goes on to succeed in passing an entrance exam to gain admission into the prestigious Keio University.