Dark and disturbing, this family-oriented horror story revolves around Charlie, a beautiful young woman who falls in love with James and marries him. The young couple enjoy their married life to the fullest, relishing being together without the burden of responsibilities and troubles.
Then, Charlie discovers that she is pregnant and the newlyweds decide to keep the baby and start a family. Into their world comes Thea, a beautiful little girl. But her arrival brings with it terrifying entities that threaten their newly formed family, things that are beyond their understanding.
Panic stricken, the young parents enlist the help of James' estranged father Alistair, a dilapidated would-be occultist whose obsession drove his family apart and led his son to despise him. He diagnoses Thea as a beacon - a child whose very presence attracts the attention of the supernatural creatures that surround us. Charlie and James realize that they must dedicate their lives to protecting their unplanned daughter. Will they succeed in their mission?