This humorous relationship drama revolves around Raja (Sharwanand), an aimless young man whose lack of responsibility is a source of great shame for his father, who is a well-respected teacher and social activist. Raja and his friend Sreenu (Prabhas Sreenu) are so badly behaved that the local police inspector throws them out of the town for being an unbearable nuisance to the entire community.
The lazy young men land up in Hyderabad to join work that husband arranged for them. Raja soon meets and falls madly in love with Amulya (Surbhi), a sprightly dog lover. In an effort to woo her, Raja pretends to be a salesman for Oxford Dictionary and soon does succeed in winning her love.
However, just as Amulya is about to express her love to Raja, she is horrified when she witnesses him handing over her pet dog to the local municipal corporation. The heartbroken Amulya breaks up with Raja, who not-so-secretly hates dogs.
Devastated by the turn of events, Raja decides to do whatever it takes to win his love back. He goes in search of Amulya's pet dog and finds it at a pet shop. The owner refuses to give it to Raja and insists that he must buy it. In order to purchase the dog, Raja must sell record volume of dictionaries. Working hard for the first time in his life, rather succeeds in getting the required funds but will he be able to get the dog back to Amulya? Will Raja be able to marry his beloved or will there be more twists in the tale?